Business TechTechnology

IPSAYA-EveryThing You Should Need to Know

IPSaya is an online website that provides several tools that can help you get different information about your network. Although it offers different tools, it is famous for allowing people to know their IP addresses.

Its IP Address checker tool gives you information about your IP address along with other network details such as network provider, browser, etc.

In today’s blog, we are going to describe in more detail about IPSaya website and help you know what is its IP Address Checker tool. Let’s start.

What is IPSaya?

An online set of network tools called IPSaya gives users practical tools for learning about networked computers. For over ten years, the website has been serving millions of users with its offerings. Pretty amazing, right?


Well, of course. There are pretty good reasons behind the site’s long-serving, after all. The most important one? Its simplicity. Its functionality is very simple and you can get information with just a few simple steps. You wouldn’t have to scratch your head while using this site. Some of the major tools this website provides include the following:

  • IP Address Checker
  • Location Checker
  • Site Header Checker
  • IP Blacklist Checker
  • Website Source Code Checker

Now, let’s discuss some features of this site.

What are the Features of IPSaya’s IP Address Checker?

IPSaya has many tools but since this blog focuses only on the IP address checker, let’s discuss the advantages accordingly.

  • This website tool is completely free to use
  • You can access this site easily without having to face any inconvenience
  • It provides you with information about more than just IP addresses.

These are some of the most basic features of IPSaya’s IP address checker. Now, let’s see how you can check the IP address of your business with the help of this tool

How to Check Business IP Adress with IPSaya?

Finding out a business IP address with IPSaya is pretty easy. You may already know that businesses are connected to one network. Being connected to a similar network helps them communicate with each other easily.

So, even if you check one computer’s IP address, you will be able to find out the addresses of other computers because they share the same IP. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1 – Pick One Computer and Turn on the Browser on It:

Selecting one PC from your company’s network is the first task you must complete. Any computer that is readily available to you might be your choice. Open any web browser on the PC you have selected.

Continue to the next stage after finishing.

Step 2 – Get on to the IPSaya Website:

So, now that you have opened the browser of your computer, it’s time to search for and get on to the IPSaya website. It is the same as opening any other website. Just the following simple steps are to be followed here:

  • Open the search engine (Google)
  • In the search bar, type in the name of the website (IPSaya)
  • From the provided search results, open the very first one or simply click on this link (

Once you are at the homepage of this website, follow the next step.

Step 3 – Navigate the Website and Find the IP address Checker:

Once you are on the website, its homepage will look something like this:


As you can observe here, the website has many tools. We have highlighted the IP address checker tool for you to understand which option you have to click on.

Step 4 – Check Your Business IP Address:

When you open a website, it usually detects your computer network’s IP address and displays relevant information automatically. If this does not occur in your situation, try clicking on the tool again to double-check.

Here’s an example of what type of information you get along with the IP address while using this tool:


(We used VPN for privacy purposes)

As you can see, the tool has provided valuable information about the computer’s IP address. So, yes, that’s all you’ve got to do to find out your business IP.

Now, it’s up to you what you do with this information. Just know that only the IP address would be the same for all computers. Other information like screen resolution, and operating system specifications, may be different for each system.


IPSaya is an online platform that offers several tools that help you get information about your computer network. It is famous for helping people know their IP address with the help of its IP Address Checker tool.

You can check your computer’s IP address very easily by following a few simple steps. We have discussed these steps in detail in the information given above.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is IPSaya free?

Yes. The IPSaya platform is completely free to use.

What Does IPSaya do?

IPSaya is a network tool suite. It helps you get different types of information about your network.

What is this platform mainly used for?

This platform is mainly used for checking the IP address of the device within a network.

How to check IP address with IPSaya?

Open this tool on the device you want to check the IP address of. It will automatically tell you the IP address of this device. Besides this, some other network information will also be given.


I am a passionate content writer and blogger. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology to pursuing present technological solutions through the writings.

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