Unusual WordPress SEO Tips That You Need to Be Doing

Launching a WordPress website might be an easy task, but it takes a long way to hit the top rank on the search engine result page. The only thing that can turn your dream into a reality is drawing all your attention to SEO. Everyone is offering tips about it on the Internet. No doubt, most of them are useful.

However, there are some unusual WordPress SEO tips that you should try out. These tips are unique and can help you rank your site in no time. That’s what we will discuss in this article. Let’s start.

Unusual WordPress SEO Tips:

These tips are listed below:

1. Use a dedicated WordPress SEO Plugin

Let’s first understand what are these plugins and why they are so important.

So, these are tools containing numerous functions that extend the functionality of WordPress. They facilitate by adding new features or enhancing the pre-existing features of your WordPress websites.

They are primarily designed to improve the SEO status of your website. The key is to use some dedicated plugins. They are easy to use and very efficient.

WordPress SEO

Once activated with just a click, they serve as a one-stop solution house that makes your entire SEO journey much easier and more convenient by giving you the best practices in every sphere of WordPress.

WordPress website developers can significantly benefit from using these SEO plugins. That way, they can help clients achieve their online goals more effectively.

2. Picking an SEO-friendly WordPress Theme 

It is no surprise that choosing the right theme for your site can be a game-changer while operating WordPress.

It not only sets the right first impression by shaping the site’s appearance and layout but simultaneously plays a key role in driving SEO results. By default, the platform presents its user with the Twenty Twenty ‘theme upon first arrival, however, it might not be the best choice for everyone.

Do not panic there are endless options to choose from, so do full-scale research before you make a choice. Make sure they are ‘SEO-friendly and prioritize user experience.

3. Optimizing the media files for SEO( videos and images)

It is no doubt that media files can do a lot when it comes to driving huge traffic to your site, not just that these visual elements make

your content look more attractive plus make the write-up readable for the audience.

However, like two sides of a coin, it has equal potential to cause benefit as well as harm if not used properly.

The first thing that needs attention is the quality and size of the image which determines the page’s loading speed that

eventually affects ranking. Put some extra effort into giving a proper title to the image and add a caption whenever possible.

Don’t forget to add the ‘ALT text’ which guides the search engine spiders to see and understand your image

while indexing your site as well as increasing the reach of your content to the visually impaired population.

These little changes can go a long way in leveling up your search engine ranking. 

WordPress website developers can take several steps to ensure that media files, such as images and videos, are optimized for SEO. These include choosing appropriate file formats such as JPEG or PNG for images and SVG for logos and icons when possible. Compressing photos without compromising quality is essential, and plugins are available to automate this process.

Creating image sitemaps, using structured data and schema markup, and employing a content delivery network (CDN) are all ways to enhance media SEO

4. Embracing the Long Content format

Writing longer articles for your site has a greater SEO impact. Google algorithms take article length into account when allotting the ranks in search engine results.

It is viewed as more valuable for the consumers. It also increases the authority and credibility of your site through the earned backlinks and social media shares that positively affect customer relationships.

It also encourages the audience to spend on-site time and retains them in the long run which gains you greater online visibility.

WordPress SEO


5. Improve website compatibility for mobile and tablets

WordPress SEO

Today most people access websites through their mobile phones, which expands the need for website compatibility. Google has lately included the mobile-first index as a measuring parameter to determine your search engine results.

So, staying behind affects your online visibility and results in a loss of customers. With increasing mobile adoption, keeping the audience happy is the first need.

This will improve user engagement and experience on the platform which stops them from leaving your site, and increases conversion and on-site time spent while building long-term loyalty.

It also increases the click-through rate (CTR) which holds great importance for any website owner. So, it is advisable to run Google’s mobile-friendliness test for your website and create a responsive design that is joyful to use. 

6. Spend time understanding your competition

The first ten websites that show in search results are your competitors who have an SEO advantage over you.

So, spend extensive time on their website and go through their content in detail to understand the best SEO practices that you might be missing out on. Once you are aware of your weaknesses, changing the game plan is a relatively easy task. Gaining a better ranking is not restricted to creating good content.

How you incorporate the targeted SEO techniques throughout your website makes a real difference and takes you way ahead of your competitors. 

7. Use internal linking for SEO

Internal linking is a crucial SEO strategy that is often missed by most website owners. It plays an important role in providing additional high-quality information to your readers. Simultaneously it acts as a navigation tool that directs the incoming audience towards the subpages that are most important to your website.

This way the previously published content does not lose its identity and relevance within the recently published one. It can be done in seconds while you are writing by highlighting a portion of your text and adding the relevant article in the hyperlink button.

This criterion is taken into account by search engines to point out the articles that have previously received a good ranking to improve your website’s position on the Search Engine Result Page.

8. Taking the help of Google Analytics

WordPress SEO

This efficient tool provided for free by Google helps website owners in numerous ways to track their progress. It helps to keep track of the incoming traffic without additional effort.

It easily identifies the source from where the maximum audience steps into your website, their movement on your platform,

and other specific markers that can assist you in developing better connections with consumers. This in-depth breakdown is an easy medium to spot errors in your current plan of action.

Developers play a vital role in enhancing SEO through Google Analytics by ensuring the accurate and comprehensive implementation and tracking of analytics data. This involves proper integration of Google Analytics into the website, placement of the tracking code in the correct HTML location, and the setup of various tracking mechanisms

9. Building content around the keywords

For SEO, Keywords play a central role since the beginning of time. It simplifies the process by which incoming audiences search for their desired content.

Structuring your content around a chosen long-tail keyword and using it across the content (title, heading, and multiple other places) consciously helps the search engine crawlers to understand your topic well which reflects in the ranking.

To make the process much easier, we have multiple SEO keyword tools available online which eliminate the extensive research process.

They do your part of the job by screening the SEO issues in your website and suggesting appropriate solutions. 

10. Appropriately choose your hosting provider

Speed is the key factor that has a direct impact on SEO in the 21st century. A reliable hosting provider pushes your website to the top improving the site speed and enhancing the inevitable security standards.

Don’t back out just because it looks like a huge investment as it helps in enhancing the performance in the long run. To start with you may choose one of the three hosting providers recommended by WordPress itself. Besides this, you can research some other top providers as well. Make sure they have all the features that your site requires.


To conclude it all, focusing on WordPress SEO can help you rank your website in no time. No matter how good your site is, it won’t be any good if not optimized for search engines. There are many experts that offer useful tips for this.

However, we have discussed some unusual WordPress SEO tips that you can use. These tips allow you to optimize your site in a unique and proper way. These tips, combined with your quality content, can help you rank at the top in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why focusing on SEO is important for WordPress websites?

Focusing on SEO can help you optimize your WordPress website. This optimization can help you rank at the top of search engine results.

Can I hire an SEO expert for this purpose?

Yes. You can hire an SEO expert for this purpose if your budget allows it.

How long will it take for SEO strategies to show results?

SEO is a long-term strategy. It can take a while before they start showing results.


I am a passionate content writer and blogger. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology to pursuing present technological solutions through the writings.

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