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Debunking the Latest Social Media Marketing Myths That Exist Today

Each day, a person around the world uses social media for an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes. You know your customers are using social media but what else do you know about these platforms?

Chances are, you might be basing your business social media experience on myths and lies. To avoid becoming a victim, it’s important to know the most common social media marketing myths out there.

Keep reading to find out more.

Social Is Not Measurable

One of the most common social media marketing myths is that social is not measurable. Social is measurable when you do something on a social platform that can be measured.

You can learn if you are making money off of a social media campaign by tracking URLs, purchase funnel visibility, unified customer databases, etc.

Different social media platforms will have different ways to measure. There won’t be a simple social media measurement button.

Social Is for New Customers

Although social media marketing can help a business gain new customers, most of the people you communicate with on social are your current customers.

Social media is for following brands and businesses that are likable. If your customers like you, they will follow you and become loyal.

You can learn tips on how to boost your Instagram marketing along with other socials to continue to retain your customers.

You Should Ignore Negative Feedback

In the marketing industry, it’s not easy to only receive positive feedback. With a business social media, you have the chance to be a spectator.

Although you can’t always make an upset customer happy, you shouldn’t ignore negative feedback. This way, your brand is on record caring and listening to its customers.

Hundreds or even thousands of people will be watching how you respond to customers. If your business is small enough, you should be able to answer every comment whether it is negative or positive.

Content Marketing and Social Media Are Separate

Your marketing efforts outside of social media should correlate with social media campaigns. Think of social media as the gasoline while content is the fire.

You can use social media to drive awareness to your content and vis versa. Many combine social and email, but killer content and social should also mesh together.

You Should Join Every Social Media Network

Some believe that smart marketing is trying to reach every person possible. However, too large of a reach won’t get you many hits at all. Because of this, you shouldn’t join every single social media network.

It’ll take some research to learn which socials your audience is on, but learning this data will be worth it. Some social media networks are worth more of your time than others.

You can sign up for a few at first to identify which marketing activity yields the best results. When a network is not giving you results, don’t waste your time with it.

Social Media Marketing Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

If you’ve heard of any of these social media marketing myths, you might have fallen victim to them. To have the best social media marketing strategy, you need to know about the platforms you are using.

Measure your socials, respond to comments, integrate social with content marketing, and find where your audience is. When you do all of these things, you’ll have what you need for success.

For more marketing tips for businesses, check out the other posts on our website.



I am a passionate content writer and blogger. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology to pursuing present technological solutions through the writings.

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