Health & Fitness

Things You Need to Know about Dentures

Dentures are a necessary part of life, especially if you have missing teeth. These additions will help you look better, improve your smile, and help you eat daily. Not only are they an essential part of oral hygiene, but they can provide a more comfortable and healthy way to eat and drink.

However, dentures aren’t just for the elderly, as some think. If you have missing teeth or one that needs to be removed, dentures might be the right choice for you. Click here for more information about them and see whether they are a great fit. You should see a dentist and know more about your options when it comes to the treatment and procedures you need to protect your oral health and smile with confidence once again.

Information about the Dentures:

Dentures can be considered as a removable replacement of missing teeth that’s the result of injuries or cavities. There are two types to know about: the partial and complete ones. The complete dentures are c if ALL the natural teeth need replacement, while the partial ones allow some of the natural teeth to remain.

Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks. Partial dentures are the least invasive and are the most commonly used type. They replace part of a person’s natural teeth but don’t include the root structure. Partial dentures can be made from various materials, including metal, plastic, resin, and porcelain. They can be fixed in place with suction contact, dental adhesives, and the ability of the tongue to hold them in their proper place. See more info about adhesives in this link:

Complete dentures replace all of a person’s natural teeth and must be fitted by a dentist. They come in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different mouths. They can be made from metal, nylon, acrylic, resin, or porcelain. They’re usually fixed in place with dental cement or adhesive tape and may need to be adjusted occasionally as people’s jaws change over time.

Complete Dentures

The immediate or conventional complete dentures are the most common type and are generally the most comfortable option. They are made after all the teeth have been removed and the gum tissues have started healing. They are ready to be placed in the mouth when healing has been complete, which takes about 12 weeks.

The immediate types are often ready to be positioned as soon as all the teeth have been removed. The result is that the wearer doesn’t have to worry about going without teeth while healing. However, the gums and bones may shrink over time, especially after tooth removal. Therefore, the immediate ones may require more fittings and adjustments, and they should only be considered a temporary solution until the permanent ones are ready.

Partial Dentures

The partial ones or bridges are the removable type that is attached to a plastic gum that’s pink in color. They are usually connected by metal frameworks that properly hold them in place. The partial ones are generally used when some teeth remain in the lower or upper jaw.

The fixed bridge will act as a replacement, and the dentist will replace the crown on either side so the bridge will be cemented into place. These partial appliances will fill the spaces, but they will also prevent the others from changing their position. It’s worth noting that they are removable and come with internal attachments instead of the regular clasps so they can be attached to an adjacent crown. You can find them to be more natural-looking than others.

Are there Other Alternatives?

Yes, there are alternatives to dentures, and they can be in the form of implants. These temporary teeth will have a titanium post that can support bridges, and they can be more permanent in nature. Know that they cost more, but they will closely resemble the look and feel of a natural tooth. The implants are becoming an excellent alternative, but they are not suitable for everyone. Check with your dental care provider if they are the best option for you and see more about the costs.

Insurance and Coverage of the Costs

Most dental insurance providers only cover cleanings, simple extractions, x-rays, and examinations. You might want to call your specific provider about your options and see if the dentures are covered. Sometimes, this is considered a major treatment, and at least 50% is covered but check the plan restrictions and other discounts to save more.

How are Dentures Made?

The development and overall process will take a few months after several appointments. Once the prosthodontist determines the best type of appliance, you need to take a few more steps to complete the process. Below are some things that you might want to know:

1. The dentist will take several impressions on your mouth and jaw so they will know the space needed and how everything is related to one another.

2. After the impressions are made, they will create models, wax forms, and plastic patterns that contain the exact position and shape of the denture. You’ll try these wax forms several times to assess their overall fit, shape, and color before the final model is cast.

3. The ortho will cast the final look.

4. Adjustments are then made whenever necessary for a better fit.

What Do They Feel Like?

The new set of teeth may feel a little loose or odd for a few weeks until the tongue, and the cheek muscles adapt. They will become a little comfort when you remove and insert them when you eat or speak. Also, minor irritations are common in the first few weeks and some soreness may occur, and saliva production may increase. However, these issues will decrease as the mouth continues to adjust.

Will It be More Different?

The dentures will resemble the natural teeth closely, so there should only be slightly noticeable changes. However, they can significantly improve your smile in a big way, and you can start building your self-confidence with them once again.

Related: 5 Relaxation Techniques to Soothe Your Extreme Anxiety at Dentist


I am a passionate content writer and blogger. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology to pursuing present technological solutions through the writings.

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