Business Tech

10 Reasons Why Colocation Is Good for Business

The modern-day internet is for the most part based on server infrastructures – a network of interconnected computing units that run websites, store data, and make possible anything else that is going online. So, in order to become a part of the internet, you need to have access to one of the computing units that make it up.

The servers are like ordinary computers, apart from the fact that they have a bit different functions, which suggests that they’re running uninterruptedly. For this reason, they require special conditions to work at full capacity without interruptions and other troubles. To create these conditions, you have to create special rooms and equip them with cooling, climate control, and uninterrupted power supply, let alone security measures necessary to protect them from data theft, sabotage, etc.

Considering the complexity of server maintenance, most companies nowadays do not create server housing spaces on their own but prefer to either rent servers or rent the spaces to locate there their own equipment.

The latter service is called colocation. Let’s look at some key advantages this particular service is going to bring to your business.

10 Essential Advantages of Colocation Services

1.   Time and money savings

If you prefer to use a colocated server rather than creating your own server rooms, you are going to save a lot in terms of money and time. All the necessary conditions are already created as you move in and you only have to pay for space and electricity.

2.   Maximum control

A colocated server is a piece of hardware that is completely of your choice. You don’t have to worry about its quality or be paranoid that somebody is tricking you. How good your hardware is and how well it works is fully your responsibility.

3.   Optimal performance

A colocated server is a server that is fully at your disposal, you own the whole amount of CPU calculating power, RAM, and storage available on it, and no one else can negatively affect your performance which would be the case with shared hosting, where the presence of neighbors results in never stable performance and weak protection from hacking attacks.

4.   Flexibility and scalability

If you ever need to increase the capacities that you use to colocate your server, you’ll always be able to get more or to move to a better data center if you’re using services by a good hosting provider.

5.   Best bandwidth

The optimal server infrastructure of a professional data center can, among other things, provide you with bandwidth that is adjustable according to your current traffic needs.

6.   Security

A good data center provides all the conditions for your server to run smoothly. The server rooms are equipped with an optimal cooling system as well as backup power supplies. The facility applies all measures to prevent unauthorized access to the server which could result in data theft or other malicious manipulations. The building is protected from fires and other natural disasters.

7.   Skilled staff

Opting for a colocated server you won’t have to hire a server maintenance team. The provider’s team consists of professionals, that are regularly practicing their skills, so you can be sure that your equipment is in good hands.

8.   Excellent connectivity

A good data center is always provided with the most optimized infrastructure possible. With lots of network structure providers at a time, you’ll have literally always guaranteed connection, and in case one of the network providers has a failure, your servers will be able to be switched to another one.

9.   Variety of locations

The location is of great importance for the efficiency of your website. Having a target audience in a specific country suggests that your server should be located as close to them as possible. Otherwise, the page load speed will be lower and your site will be less convenient to use and hence less attractive to competitors, the tendency, which is naturally reflected in the search engine optimization rankings of your website (SEO). Also, the location itself is taken into account by the search engines, as they tend to provide customers with websites that are located as close to them as possible.

10.  Managed and unmanaged server

If you are using the services of a hosting provider, you’ll always be able to choose between managed and unmanaged servers.

A managed server means that the server management tasks are taken over by the provider. It’s extremely useful if you want to free your time and attention and engage more in other aspects of your business.

An unmanaged server means that you take over your server management routines. This option is better if you have good technical expertise and want to have even more control over your server.


Colocation is one of the hosting services available, that will definitely suit most of the customers that want the power of a dedicated server and more control over the hardware choice. If you belong to this group, here you can find an extremely decent colocation offer. Take care!


I am a passionate content writer and blogger. Compiling the knowledge of Information Technology to pursuing present technological solutions through the writings.

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